Mini Make & Take Rug Hooking Class-September 24, 2021 'Woolfest' McKinney, TX

About This Item

‘Make and Take’ class with Shelley Lencioni: Choose a Mug Rug or a Santa Christmas Ornament for your project. These can be quickly hooked and may be finished in this class. You will learn how to use a portable snap frame with your small pieces of leftover linen for future projects of your own. You will also learn to finish off these mini-rugs in a fun and simple way that makes gift and holiday projects a breeze.
Your lesson, kit with pattern, wool and finishing materials are included for $28 each and are available above. Your pre-ordered kit will be delivered to you at class. Extras of these designs and others may also be available for purchase at class.
You will need to bring with you a hook and a pair of sharp scissors. Snap Frames will be provided for your use and can be purchased from the instructor if desired.
For more 'Woolfest' information or signups, please contact Adrienne Dykes at 972-542-3214. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BE A REGISTERED AND PAID WOOLFEST PARTICIPANT TO SIGN UP FOR THIS CLASS.