We now offer professionally hand-dyed wool for Traditional Rug Hooking, Proddy Rug Hooking and Wool Appliqué. Browse through our colorful selection of 152 colors from our Beautiful Wool Dye Book by Laurice Heath. Our hand-dyed wool is slightly mottled unless "fairly smooth" or "very mottled" is requested in the comments section of your shopping card. All colors are dyed over Dorr natural wool. All colors are sold in fat 1/4 yard increments that have been washed and dried and are naturally reduced in size by the drying process.
NEW! NOW AVAILABLE, the new Pop-n-Dye 'dye it yourself' dye color packet series from the Beautiful Wool Dye Book. Select the colors you need and you will received pre-mixed and measured ready-to-use packets of dye complete with citric acid crystals as the mordant. Simply 'pop' the packet contents into a measuring cup, add boiling water, heat a pot of water and pre-soak your wool, and you will be ready to dye your own gorgeous wool. Complete instructions are included; each packet will dye one yard or more of wool depending on how dark you choose to dye your colors. Each packet contains one full 'recipe' of the published dye formula. Your citric acid crystals will be sent 'on the side', unless you prefer them mixed in with the dye. Please make any special requests in the comments section of the order page.
Note: Pictured colors may vary slightly depending on your computer screen. The dye process is affected by water quality and content as well as the seasons, and may vary slightly from the photos and from batch to batch. From each color screen, you may select either hand-dyed wool, pre-mixed color packets to dye for yourself, or both.
Custom dyeing is also available for your projects and your binding wool; please contact us regarding our expert service.
Need it Cut? Please select our cutting service available in 1/4 yard increments and a multiple of cut sizes.
Our prices for each color of Beautiful Wool is as follows, this will calculate when you add your color/value selection to the shopping cart:
1/4 yard $19.95
1/2 yard $39.90
3/4 Yard $59.85
1 Yard $79.80
One 1/4 yard each of all 4 values of any color $79.80