Mixed Wool Grab Bag for Rug Hooking and Proddy

About This Item
What a wonderful way to get a wide selection of high quality all-wool pieces for a small price. Included in each bag is a collection of many colors and even a bit of antique paisley!
Each bag weighs at least 2 lbs. (2+ yards) and includes large and medium and small sized pieces. This beautiful wool is a pre-washed ready-to-hook collection of textured and hand-dyed wool.
NEW: Let us cut your wool for you! Choose the cut size you prefer from the list above. For beginners: the cut# indicates 32nd inch increments. For example, a #8 cut represents wool cut into 1/4 inch wide strips (8/32), and #8 is a commonly used width for primitive hooking. If you order your wool cut, please allow us at least a week to get the wool cut and to ship your order.
Your wool will arrive in a Medium re-usable iloverughooking.com Clear Vinyl Zipper Storage Bag, a $1.50 value. Remember to order additional bags in our "Rug Hooking Supplies and Tools" section under "Storage Products"
RK writes after receiving her grab bag "I also wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed speaking with you. I received the wool on Saturday and boy was I pleased! It is by far the best collection I have been sent or given. I wish I had found your web site sooner. What a great selection of wool ! I knew I loved rug hooking but I had lost my original energy and creativity because of the products I was receiving from other companies/websites. I now have a renewed enthusiasm and clarity. I am already planning several other rugs.
Thank you for just being so nice, patient and informative. How refreshing."
Thank You RK!!