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NEW! Mini Stapler and Staples - Easily Label Your Wool For Your Rug Projects!

About This Item

This mini stapler is perfect for marking the multitude of large and small pieces of wool that go into a rug project, but can't all be 'remembered'! The little staples are easy to remove with a fingernail yet they confidently hold a tag on your wool. Also it's great for attaching a dye formula to a dyed wool strip so you can easily re-create the color again.
The stapler, weighing less than 4 oz, is wonderful for so many uses and is easy to carry in your hooking bag.
"Sometimes I go to a rug camp and start a new rug but when I get home, I go back to work on an existing project. By the time I get to my 'new' project I am sometimes confused as to where everything my teacher laid out for me, belongs! I've tried listing the wool onto the pattern with a Sharpie, but it wears off before I can get it all hooked". See photo for how I organize my wool, it works for all sizes of strips.
Keep your wool colors marked and organized as to where they belong in your rug! No remembering or guessing, it's all right there when you need it!