Our 2018 rug camp at the Prairie at Round Top in charming ROUND TOP, TX was such a huge success we have decided to hold the camp again in 2019. Round Top is well known as one of the finest and largest antique centers in the US and is a very special place. The Prairie farm was owned until recently by Rachel Ashwell of Shabby Chic fame, and her special touches are still a part of this unique and beautiful place.
We will have new tables and chairs as well as new lighting for this camp as well as adding a 2nd teacher, so we're sure this expanded camp will be even better!! For 2019, we offer your choice of full accommodations for overnight stay and all meals as well as day student registration for local rug hookers. Select your preference below; we anticipate these class options will fill up quickly and registration is limited for each option. We will have a wait list available as each class option fills up, you may sign up ($1 fee) and your request will be held in 'date order received' for any openings. You will be notified immediately if you have obtained one of your desired spot(s).
Camp hours - Check-in 3:00 pm Sunday March 10, depart after noon lunch on Thursday March 14. Meet and Greet 4:00 pm Sunday. Classes begin 4:30 Sunday. Additional one day B & B stay is available at discount pricing.
Nola Heidbreder Nola teaches rug hooking and fiber art at her studio in St. Louis and across the country. Specialties: Creativity, embellishing, dyeing, recycling in crafting and historic rugs.
Her work has been featured in publications such as Mary Engelbreit’s Home Companion Magazine, Rug Hooking Magazine, ATHA newsletter, Hooked on Rugs, Creative Hooker, Hooked on Wool, Hooked Rugs Today, Finishing Rugs, Contemporary Hooked Rugs and in The “Art” of Playing Cards.
Working with sister Linda Pietz, they wrote the books Knitting Rugs, Crocheting Rugs and Crocheted Baskets, and Knitted Baskets.
Nola hooked all 44 of the presidents in the 2013 Special Exhibit of Hooked and Knitted Presidents at Sauder Village. The collection received the 2013 Sauder “Collection” Award. You can see Nola's work at Nolahooks.com.
Nola has authored 3 cookbooks, Beautiful Backgrounds, and Houska Dye Recipe book.
Folk Art Museum, New York City
Comments from our 2018 camp:
"I truly left my heart in Texas at The Prairie! Thank you Shelley for such a beautiful heartfelt experience, BEST camp ever! I hope I can make it next year! "
"Please remember to e-mail me so I can sign up as early as possible for next year. Had a more than wonderful time!"
"I have loved this gathering! You do a superlative job"
"I want to say I have had a fabulous time at the camp this week. You and Marijo are outstanding and I learned more than I would have thought possible...good job and thank you"