Rug Hooker's Companion by Donna Hrkman

Rug Hooker's Companion by Donna Hrkman
Item# bkrughookerscompanion

About This Item

Want the perfect rug hooking resource to always be at your fingertips? Now with Rug Hooker’s Companion you can have just that! Destined to become a classic, it is the perfect source of facts, tips, and techniques for all rug hookers. Just exactly how wide is a #8-cut? Should I buy a bent hook or a straight hook? What type of frame is best? How do I determine how much wool I will need? And so much more. This handy guide will provide all of the answers. Rug Hooker’s Companion is the ultimate resource for rug hookers of all skill levels! This compact guide is packed full of indispensable information, so don’t miss this opportunity to add it to your project bag